Category: "WAR"
I completely oppose US war in Syria
April 13th, 2018It could not be any more clear that this. more »
don't throw me in that briar patch
February 25th, 2014Maybe an alternative of free trade, without entangling alliances, will promote the gradual restoration of peace and prosperity for all of us. more »
give peace a chance
September 11th, 2013I'm willing to give it 60 years before once more going to war in the Middle East. more »
war agenda
September 9th, 2013The President of The United States of America, Mr. Barack Obama, is trying hard to convince the American public, congress, and international politicians that prosecuting another war in the middle east is a good idea for peace and prosperity. more »
McCain would sneak us into another war
May 27th, 2013It is striking how such hubris grows in the politically powerful, imagining that they can spend a few hours in a region that has suffered from conflict for decades, and come out with a clear notion on how and where and who to support in the civil conflict in Syria. more »
my two cents on a couple from Planet Money
May 16th, 2013This note covers three recent episodes: The Lollipop War, the one that returns to their tee-shirt project, and the reprise of the cotton wars. more »
some history
March 10th, 2013Roosevelt's Secret War, The Tycoons, Shattered Sword more »
Das Boot, Directors Cut
February 13th, 2013I've never before seen a three+ hour movie go by so quickly, all the more significant by the film being in German and subtitled. Suspense, action, and drama -- a war film that looked as harrowing and awful as I can imagine submarine operations to be. more »
An Honorable Defeat
February 4th, 2013... a picture of the participants: Davis unwilling to see the reality of the southern defeat, Benjamin a sycophantic toady, and Breckinridge of one purpose - get the confederacy to admit defeat as soon as possible. more »
my 2012 election ballot - for president, Gary Johnson
October 21st, 2012For the issues of the election, comparing Gary Johnson with either Mitt Romney or the incumbent Barack Obama quickly shows Johnson to offer significantly better policy stances across the spectrum, but I will focus on what seemed responsible for Barack Obama winning his first term in 2008 - war, the military, and foreign policy. more »